Barred from cycling outdoors for six months, I was faced with the problem of what to do about exercising. A gym is not the answer; I won’t go, and stationary spinning in a room filled with television screens is not my idea of . . . well, anything good.
What I needed was something small, sturdy, and serious enough to keep my legs from losing every bit of the muscle Basil’s helped to build over the eight months I’ve loved riding him. This is what I found: A FitDesk. I read every review I could, everywhere I could, determined that this baby would work for someone my size, and took the plunge.
The theoretical idea is that you can compute and slip in some physical activity at the same time. That’s an interesting concept, and it may even work for some people, but it was difficult to see how it would work for me. However, I was able to imagine using this desk in combination with my tablet to alleviate the boredom of cycling indoors.
The real appeal, though, is the Fit Desk’s small footprint, its portability, and the positive reviews. (Combined with a certain amount of desperation on this front, of course!)
It has arrived, and we’ll see how it works. Coming up in a future post: The assembly process and first use.
3 replies on “An Indoor Cycling Solution”
Somehow reminds me of a dental chair.
Say what?
Saul, I think Harry may be on to something here: I think it’s the broad desk platform (reminiscent of an instrument tray) and the vintage-y shape of the meter (old style dental mirror?). Not to mention that the spare frame does remind me a bit of old-school arms for dental lights.
Never fear — no pain here, just solid endorphins — in use, this “cycle” produces results much closer to the best ones of painless modern dentistry than its aesthetics suggest: Relief and repair!