I’ve mentioned the small plastic cap that Bromptons ship in this post: It goes over one of the front wheel nuts, and helps to protect the bike’s finish when folded. Mine developed a crack almost immediately after Basil arrived. Perhaps that wasn’t surprising; this particular fitting may never have been intended to remain on a Brompton, once unpacked and in use.
Once the crack enlarged, and before the cap could fall off, I removed it and took off for the hardware stores. In my many hours of haunting the small bins there, I knew I’d seen something that would do the trick. I found it:
It’s a nylon “hole plug locking”, size 13/16ths, extortionately priced at something around a US dollar. And well worth it, as far as I was concerned. (Why do I suspect that the packing was more expensive than the bit within?)
The replacement cap has an arguably better design than the Brompton original; instead of a somewhat radically curved edge, the edge on the replacement curves slightly, but has slots to relieve, and then retain, pressure, which I would expect to hold up better than my poor split, unperforated, original. The new cap required a bit of contortion during installation, but has stayed firmly in place since.
Whilst on a group ride yesterday, I showed this to Mike, of Trophy Bikes in Philadelphia. He was quite interested, and I was amused by his immediate question: “Does it come in black?”
Yes, I believe that it can be found in black, though your mileage many vary — along with your eagerness to canvass every hardware store in town. I like the white; I’ll notice if it goes missing.
Nicks and dings are inevitable — and, certainly, indicative of a proud history — but I’m just as happy to postpone them as long as reasonably possible.
2 replies on “That Small White Cap”
Very interesting! You may remember how I lost mine and couldn’t get a replacement from my Brompton dealer. I haven’t tried looking in hardware stores here, but, to be honest, I’m happy enough without it — I actually think it looks better.
I did remember your experience, Will B, and it was why I didn’t even ask my dealer. The cap probably would look better if it were black; I may go back and see if my local hardware has that one. As I’m still not as fluid as I’d like when folding, I’m just as happy it’s there to protect Basil from my occasional clumsiness.